Monday, March 2, 2009

Launching our CSA - Sharing Vegetables with the Community!

We've built the greenhouse, started over 3,000 seeds so far, and are getting ready to break ground on 6 new city gardens. I'm excited to announce that we've decided to offer a limited number of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) shares for the 2009 harvest season.

The Heirloom Gardens season runs for 20 weeks, from May 28th - October 8th. We specialize in heirloom varieties and will be planting vegetables, herbs, and a few edible flowers. Imagine receiving a weekly supply of items like Cherokee Purple tomatoes, Chinese Five Color peppers, White Wonder cucumbers, and Chiogga beets!

Our CSA members are always our priority when we harvest, receiving the best the farm produces each week. You can click here to view a full list of the crops and varieties we will be planting in 2009. Eating locally is, by definition, eating seasonally, so we will only produce food in time with nature's calendar.

CSA provides consumers with a direct connection to the farm that produces their food. The Heirloom Gardens CSA produces food grown within Northwest Denver, so the harvest travels just a few miles (or a few blocks!) to reach the members.

If you're interested in learning more about our CSA program, please visit our website. We have a Registration Agreement for those that would like to become members and receive a weekly share of veggies. Our shares will be distributed from the Highland MiMa (Micro Market) at 32nd Ave. & Newton St. on Thursdays from 2:00 - 6:30. Even if you feel you don't live close enough to participate in the CSA, please share this info on to anyone who may be interested!

Wishing you a bountiful summer full of wonderful food.

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