Thursday, June 4, 2009

CSA Info for June 4th

Veggies to Enjoy

Varieties harvested: Lollo Bionda, Dark Lollo Rossa, Amish Deer Tongue, Rocky Top
Varieties harvested: Giant Noble, Bloomsdale Long Standing
Varieties harvested: Russian Red Jack, Dwarf Siberian, Blue Curled Scotch
Garden and Pepper
Radish Greens (with baby radishes!)
Daikon, Black Spansih
Varieties harvested: Tarragon, Savory, Italian Flat-Leaf Parsley, Oregano

Meet Your Farmers
"Meet Your Farmers" will be a weekly feature to introduce you to the people who grow your food!

Kara has been in Colorado since 2006, but jokes that she should have moved here sooner. She lives in NW Denver with her fiance, Sonny. Besides planning her August wedding, Kara likes to go hiking, hang out with friends, and practice mediation. Kara joined Heirloom Gardens because she's been interested in starting her own garden, and learns better by doing. She loves the process of gardening, being out in the sun and working with her hands. 

Recipe Ideas

Radish Greens 
One of our CSA shareholders, Josi, sent me this note about how she prepared her radish greens last week:
"I sauteed them in olive oil until bright green, added a splash of lemon juice to the pan and covered to let steam for 2 minutes. Then salt/pepper, onto the plate and topped with feta crumbles. So tasty!"
Another option for radish greens is adding them as a supplement to hearty sauces or soups. Last night we made spaghetti, and just threw in chopped greens when we were sauteing the onions and garlic, then added the tomato sauce. The sauce was great, and had the health bonus of the greens.
Arugula & Cress
Simple arugula salad is one of my favorite dishes. I wanted to pass along my favorite ways of dressing the salad. Top the arugula with a drizzle of olive oil, fresh lemon juice, and a few drops of white truffle oil. Add salt (I like to use kosher or sea salt) and fresh cracked pepper. Yum!
Josi was busy this week. She also created this recipe for Arugula-Cress Pesto:
1 clove garlic 
1/4 cup (plus/minus) olive oil 
3-4 cups mixed greens (arugula, rocket, garden cress, pepper cress, etc) with tough stems removed 
handful walnuts 
handful cashew nuts 
1. Wash and trim greens. 
2. Heat a few Tbsp oil over low heat, add minced garlic and cook until golden but not crispy. 
3. Use food processor to make a paste of the greens (throw in a few handsful at a time) and nuts. Scrape sides periodically. 
4. With food processor running, add in garlic with its oil, and additional oil until you are satisfied with the consistency. 
5. Salt to taste. 
6. Add to pasta, eggs, use as a dip, etc. 

Ideas for additional add-ins: cheese (parmesan, asiago, feta; cilantro as part of the greens; pistachios or garbanzo beans in place of the walnuts or cashews; yogurt for a more creamy pesto)  
If you discover (or create) any tasty recipes using Heirloom Gardens produce, please email them to me and I'll pass them on to the group! 

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