Sunday, July 12, 2009

The End of the Day at the Market

We've been selling our veggies at the Highland Farmers' Market for about 6 weeks now, and we're having a great time. We have several "regulars," who visit us every week for a bag of the salad mix or a multi-colored bunch of beets.

We are most definitely a micro-farm, but at the beginning of the market we do have our bounty. The table is so full we can hardly find space for our brochures, and we have 4 coolers full of extra bags of greens.

We are fortunate enough to sell just about everything we bring with us, so by the last hour of the market our supplies have dwindled significantly. Brian took these pictures 30 minutes before the market closed, in his dual role of official-photographer/fabulous-husband-who-helps-load-the-truck.

Usually at the beginning of the market we're quite busy and focused on getting everything set up, but soon we'll remember to bring the camera and take a "before" picture. For now, enjoy these "afters."

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