Monday, August 3, 2009

Farmers' Market Abundance

I had promised some photos of a full, pre-market table (as opposed to the late-market table we showed here). These are from the Highland Farmers' Market on July 18th. It was the very last of our early season harvest. We've experienced a bit of a lull in the gardens' productivity over the last couple of weeks; the rest between the end of the cool-weather crops and the onslaught of the warm-weather harvest. In another week or two we should have a table full of tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and other summer goodies. I can't wait!

Thanks to Amy (our FM neighbor, with Olde Crone's Bath Soap) and Jenn for snapping the photos.

The table.

Our salad mix display basket, with lettuces, arugula, and spinach. Lots of carrots, too - Kuroda, Cosmic Purple, and Lunar White.

The last of the season's peas.

Gotta love the beets! Bull's Blood, Albino, and Chioggia beets.

This was the first week that we packaged our fresh herbs with a vinaigrette/marinade recipe. It's been very popular.

Beautiful nasturtiums, basil, and beets.

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