Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Grocery List

Today I was making my grocery list and realized that, in addition to skipping store vegetables, I also could leave eggs off the list. Pretty soon I'll (hopefully) be able to stop buying milk, yogurt, butter, cheese, and ice cream as well.

These critters have been - and continue to be - a lot of work. A consistent routine of morning and evening chores that can never be missed, getting permits from animal control and zoning, and learning my way around feed stores --- not to mention trimming hooves and checking chicken vents.

But boy, is it worth it! Tonight we enjoyed a homegrown dinner of eggs scrambled with sauteed arugula and hot pepper, chopped heirloom tomato, and salad with carrots and cucumber. It was very nourishing, and both Brian and I felt terrific when we finished eating.

The satisfaction from that meal came not just from consuming the end product, but from the entire process that went into creating the dinner. Many thanks to the chickens who gave us the eggs, and to the garden that provided the veggies (and the garden scraps that helped produce the beautiful, healthy eggs!).

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