Sunday, November 22, 2009

Help Start a Tool Sharing Program in Denver!

Quickly take the survey (link at the bottom) to help Denver receive funding for a tool sharing program.

ToolBank USA would like to hear from Denver, CO!

A group of individuals is assessing local interest in bringing a “ToolBank” program to Denver, CO. What exactly is a ToolBank?

A ToolBank in Denver would consist of a vast inventory of tools (ladders, rakes, cordless drills, wheelbarrows, and much more) available for borrowing by charitable organizations for service projects, facility maintenance projects, and disaster response. Typical tool-borrowing organizations include public schools, churches, nonprofits, neighborhood associations, community groups, social clubs, parks, cemeteries, and many others. The goal of a local ToolBank is to help community organizations increase their impact by providing quick and reliable access to an abundance of tools.

The ToolBank program originated at the Atlanta Community ToolBank in 1993, which now equips over 40,000 volunteers a year with a tool inventory worth a half million dollars. ToolBank USA was started last year by a generous grant from the Home Depot Foundation, and is presently seeking to collaborate with cities outside Atlanta to start pilot ToolBank programs. (Click here to watch a short video about the Atlanta Community ToolBank) The following survey assesses the interest level within Denver’s local community, and the more responses, the better! This is where you play an important role…

A 60-second Community Interest Survey awaits you at the link below, along with a chance to win a $50 Home Depot gift card for completing the survey. You can complete the survey multiple times - provided that you complete it on behalf of a different organization or company each time you complete it. [Example: a parent might complete the survey three times: once on behalf of his employer, again on behalf of his child’s school, and a third time on behalf of his church.] The survey is open to all residents in the Greater Denver area.

Don’t live in Denver? Kindly forward this email to your friends and colleagues in the Denver area, and ask them to donate 60 seconds to ToolBank USA by completing the survey.

Click here to take the survey.

link: - click on ‘Denver CO’


  1. Hello,

    I was just speaking with a friend who has a tool library in their city. I googled tool sharing in Denver, and got this post on your blog. I was wondering if there has been any progress on this? Do we have a tool sharing program here in Denver? Can I show my support for one, if it is in the planning stages?


  2. Hello,

    I was just speaking with a friend who has a tool library in their city. I googled tool sharing in Denver, and got this post on your blog. I was wondering if there has been any progress on this? Do we have a tool sharing program here in Denver? Can I show my support for one, if it is in the planning stages?


  3. @Sam -- I'm not aware of a tool-sharing program that's currently available. I know that Katherine with the Greater Denver Urban Homesteaders meetup group ( thinking of starting something. You can contact her through the group. You might also check out Those folks are interested in tool-sharing, too.

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