Sunday, February 7, 2010

Why You Should Care About the Vacant City Council Seat

Northwest Denver's City Councilman Rick Garcia (District 1) is stepping down, creating a vacancy on the 13-member council. Although national politics always makes the news, it's the City Council that decides a whole host of issues that directly affect Denver residents -- including how you're allowed to utilize the little piece of land on which you live.

We've seen this strikingly in the recent massive rewrite of the city's zoning code. And - most importantly to me - it is City Council that will decide, likely within the next few months, whether to revise our current laws regarding Food-Producing Animals (FPAs). The council will also decide on a host of other sustainability issues, which will be proposed as part of a comprehensive Sustainability Amendment to the new zoning code.

In order to pass a new sensible, fair ordinance for the keeping of FPAs, we need at least 7 of the 13 council members to support it. So, this vacant seat is very important. There are a number of people - including Susan Shepherd, Jerry Frangas, and Paula Sandoval - that are reportedly considering running for the vacancy.

Once the field of candidates is established, Sustainable Food Denver will ask each person running to answer a few questions related to sustainable living issues in an urban setting (which inevitably comes down to property rights). Please stay tuned as we monitor this situation, because our City Council - for better or worse - has a lot of influence over how we are allowed to live, feed our family, and take care of ourselves.

If you have a sustainability question (as it relates to local public policy) that you would like your future councilperson to answer, please email it to


  1. thanks for sharing! those are some beautiful eggs! what type of chickens lay the blue ones? ive been thinking of getting some chickens this summer.

  2. The green-blue eggs are laid by my Americanas. Araucanas also lay blue eggs, but they're rarer and harder to find (Americanas are pretty common). They're great little chickens, with quite an independent streak! I'd classify my Americanas as medium layers --- they lay more than the heavier bodied breeds (like my Brahma), but less than the Rhode Island Red and the White Leghorn. Good luck with your chickens!
