Monday, June 21, 2010

Filming for "The Urban Conversion"

I wrote before about The Urban Conversion TV pilot, and their plan to come and do some filming with Heirloom Gardens. They were here for the whole day last Thursday, filming goat milking, chicken coop cleaning, turnip thinning, neighbor-chatting, worm feeding, salad harvesting, and lots of other good stuff.

It was a great experience. I had a lot of fun talking about urban agriculture, and TUC crew was just terrific. Many thanks to Rodman, Tim, Colin, Christine, and Vidar for making this TV newbie feel comfortable.

Brian took a few photos of the day. Click here to view the slideshow. Also, this is a pilot for a potential show --TUC has to sell the show to a network in order for it to air. If you want to help support their efforts to give urban ag a broader audience, click here to join their Facebook page. Lots of Facebook fans help translate into a larger audience in the eyes of the TV folks.

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