Monday, June 7, 2010

The Urban Conversion

"What happens when you take a conservative city slicker, and drop him into an 'extreme green' off-the-grid lifestyle? You get The Urban Conversion! There is currently a national movement to create a sustainable homestead type living in an urban environment. And in the world of urban homesteading for dummies, Rodman Schley is the ultimate dummy."

Rodman is also a terrifically nice guy (as is his producer, Tim) who is sincerely interested in promoting the cause of sustainable living. Rodman figures that since he owns seven (!!!) businesses he has a pretty big carbon footprint, so it's part of his responsibility to figure out how to tread a little more lightly.

Rodman is creating a TV series called "The Urban Conversion." In addition to being entertaining (hence the conservative-guy-milking-a-goat shtick) he wants to educate people about urban homesteading and sustainable living techniques, showing how the can use a little of what they see in his show in their own lives.

Rodman and Tim are scouting ideas for the pilot and subsequent episodes, so they dropped by our little homestead for a visit. It was pretty spur-of-the-moment, so I didn't have time to make things pretty for their arrival, but they got the gist of things. Click here to view some of the photos from the visit (plus a sneak peak of the gigantic Lowell garden!).

If you'd like to learn more about The Urban Conversion, you can click here to visit their website.

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