Monday, August 16, 2010

Peaberry's Babies -- Our New Arrivals!

She's always been my baby...
We bought Peaberry before she was even born, and got to visit her when she was a day old. She came home with us at 8 weeks and made herself right at home...

Even as she's grown up, she's retained a bit of her "special baby" status...

And then, because she's a dairy goat, we needed her to have babies so she could give milk. Our girl was a BIG pregnant momma (I don't think the pictures quite do it justice)...

And now, my baby has some babies of her own...

They're really beautiful. Both blue-eyed girls!

I think she looks like a little lamb.

The top of her head (with that little part) is exactly the same as Peaberry's when she was born.

Smooches for everyone...

Brian filmed the goats yesterday, when they were not quite 24 hours old. They're still learning how to move around and play, but they're awfully cute nonetheless! At 1:40 you can see that we were still having a little bit of confusion around the nursing.

The babies have wonderful new owners, who live here in our neighborhood. The kids will stay with their mom for next few weeks so they can nurse and grow big and strong, and then they'll go to their new home.

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I can see why you guys are in love with them! My heart is oozing love for these cuties!
    Big Hug, Brahmani
