Rodman Schley (the host of The Urban Conversion) and his lovely wife Gina, who also appears in the show.
Brian and me.
Some fantastic local food activists hamming it up for the camera: Dana Miller of Transition Denver and Grow Local Colorado (center) and Teresa St. Peter (right).
Heirloom Gardens farmers Courtney and Thecia. Thecia wore her dreads in an up-do in honor of this fancy occasion!
Local food activist, urban farmer, and former city council candidate Susan Shepherd.
James and Nikki Zitting of Bee Landing.
JD Sawyer (right) of Colorado Aquaponics, with friends Joel and AJ.
The crew from Feed Denver.
The videographer talking to attendees about what they'd like to see happen in urban agriculture.
You can't see a movie without popcorn, right?
Getting ready for the showing.
Questions and answers with the audience after the premiere.
Social hour.
Thecia with our little Heirloom Gardens/Sustainable Food Denver table.
Tim Nyman (executive producer) and Rodman, clearly exhausted after the launch party!
(To see more photos from the launch party, click here.)
Good to know about this launch party. Last month, I arranged my company’s opening ceremony at one of the amazing Venues in NYC. Took services of party suppliers to get all required supplies and arranged a grand event.