Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Meet the Denver Sustainable Food Policy Council!

(Thanks to Katherine Cornwell at the Department of Environmental Health for this information.)

When and why did Denver form a Sustainable Food Policy Council?
In October 2010, Mayor Hickenlooper formed Denver’s Sustainable Food Policy Council. The City submitted an application to the US Department of Agriculture through the Food and Nutrition Service’s Hunger-Free Communities program. The application criteria for this grant provided the impetus to form the Denver Sustainable Food Policy Council. Regardless of whether we receive funding through this program, we recognize that a need exists for a food policy council. The Council will act as an advisory entity to the City on matters of food policy and programs and will help raise awareness in the community about the issues and challenges with our food system. The SFPC is comprised of community leaders working across the food system from farmers to restaurant owners to food justice advocates (see below for a complete list of members).

Why should I be concerned about food?
Less than 1% of the food that is consumed in the metro-region is produced within Colorado. Annually, we do not capture the $5.7 billion in economic activity that a robust local food production sector could generate. We have a short growing season. Denver leaves $30-$40 million dollars in unclaimed food stamp benefits on the table (enough to support 2-3 grocery stores) each year, with that number growing annually. We are raising the first generation of children with a shorter life expectancy than their parents due to obesity and a lack of physical activity. These are just a few of the reasons why we need your help. It is time for Denver to actively grow our food system to be more resilient, economically viable and focused on nourishing all of our citizens.

What is the purpose of the Sustainable Food Policy Council?
The purpose of the Sustainable Food Policy Council is to:
1. Increase food production in the City & County of Denver.
2. Enhance the food security of all Denver residents.
3. Improve access to locally produced food.
4. Improve the economic viability of urban agriculture.
5. Recognize and enhance the role of the food and agriculture system in conserving and regenerating Denver’s
natural resources and environment.
6. Improve health for all Denver’s residents.
7. Build awareness about the community impacts of local, healthy food access and encourage participation in
Denver’s local food system.

When does the Sustainable Food Policy Council meet?
The Sustainable Food Policy Council meets on the third Wednesday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

If I want to learn more about the Sustainable Food Policy Council, who should I contact?
To learn more about the Sustainable Food Policy Council, contact:
Katherine K. Cornwell, LEED-AP
Healthy Eating Active Living Program Manager
200 W. 14th Ave, Suite 210
Denver, CO 80204

Council Members:
Michael Buchenau - Denver Urban Gardens, Executive Director
Andy Grant - Grant Family Farms CSA, Farmer/Owner
Eric Kornacki - Revision International, Executive Director
Sundari Kraft - Heirloom Gardens/Sustainable Food Denver, Farmer/Owner (Co-Chair)
John Leevers - Leevers Supermarkets, CEO
Leo Lesh - Denver Public Schools Food & Nutrition Services, Executive Director of Enterprise Management
Pete Marczyk - Marczyk Fine Foods, CEO
Dana Miller - Transition Denver/Grow Local Colorado, Executive Director
Aaron Miripol - Urban Land Conservancy Executive Director
Chris Parr - Denver Housing Authority, Director of Real Estate Development
Nigel Perrymond - Harvesting True Growth, Executive Director
Ceyl Prinster - Colorado Enterprise Fund, President & CEO
Teri Rippeto - Potager Restaurant & Wine Bar, Chef/Owner
Lisa Rogers - Feed Denver, Executive Director
Adam Schlegel – Snooze AM Eatery, Consiglieri
Wade Shelton - Trust for Public Land, Project Manager
Susan Shepherd - Queen City Urban Farms, Farmer/Owner
Krista Roberts - Slow Food Denver, Executive Director
Adam Tsai – University of Colorado Division of General Internal Medicine & Center for Human Nutrition, Physician (Co-Chair)
Todd Stevenson - In Season Local Market, CEO
Paul Tamburello – GrowHaus, Owner
Lisa Walvoord - LiveWell Colorado, Vice President of Policy
Alexis Weightman - Colorado Health Foundation, Senior Public Policy Officer

Ex-Officio Team:
Tina Axelrad - Department of Community Planning & Development, Principal City Planner
Devon Buckels – Department of Parks & Recreation, Senior City Planner
Rachel Cleaves - Colorado Center for Community Development at UC-Denver, LiveWell Westwood Coordinator
Katherine Cornwell - Department of Environmental Health, Healthy Eating Active Living Program Manager
Michael Miera - Office of Economic Development, Community Development Specialist
Susan Motika - Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (Colorado Physical Activity and Nutrition Program), State Food Policy Coordinator
Michelle Pyle – Department of Community Planning & Development, Associate City Planner
Shannon Spurlock – Denver Urban Gardens, Community Initiatives Coordinator
Jennifer Weiczoreck - Denver Public Health, Public Health Planner

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