Friday, April 15, 2011

The Big One: Action Alert!

Note: You can still send participate in this Action Alert, even though Monday evening has passed. City Council has delayed the first reading, so we still have time to get in extra emails in support of the ordinance!

(To jump to the sample email, look for the Action Alert below.)

Thanks to everyone for your participation in our Action Alerts so far. Please know that they have been making a difference. For example, following last Monday's Action Alert, Councilman Linkhart has been responding via email that he is supporting the current version of the Food Producing Animals ordinance.

This Monday evening City Council is having the first reading of the FPA ordinance, which is usually just a formality (the public hearing and City Council vote are scheduled for May 16th). However, now there is reason to believe that one or more Councilmembers may attempt to hold up (or even kill) the FPA ordinance during Monday night's meeting. Therefore, now is the time that we need to flood City Council with emails in support of the ordinance.

Please send this Action Alert far and wide -- pass it on to everyone you know in Denver. We need to make a really big push for this ordinance.

Action Alert

As always, please feel free to craft your own email from scratch, edit the sample email below, or use the sample email in its entirety. 

Please copy and past the following text (including commas) for the "To" field of your email:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject line: Please support chickens!

Dear Members of City Council,

I am a resident of Denver, living in the _______ neighborhood. I am writing to ask you to support the proposed Food Producing Animals ordinance.

I and other supporters were hoping for a much more generous bill. But we understand that all interests and concerns need to be accommodated. After all, this is what we have been fighting for all along -- that our passions for backyard gardens with chickens and dwarf goats be finally given fair recognition and treatment. We may not have everything we want, but we believe we still have a fair and reasonable compromise, a bill that finally meets the needs of Denver's growing "chicken movement" while providing appropriate protections and assurances for our neighbors.

Please support the proposed Food Producing Animals compromise. Please vote for Denver to join the many cities across the country who have embraced the urban chicken!

Thank you,
(your name)

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