Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Let's Say "Thank You"

(To jump to the sample emails, look for the Action Alert below.)

Well, we did it! Last night the new Food Producing Animals ordinance passed City Council with a 7-3 vote. No amendments were added.

I know that there are lots of questions about the specifics of the new ordinance, when it will take effect, and how people can go about applying for the new, simple Animal Control license for FPAs. These are all great questions and I promise to address them very soon, but first things first.

We need to say "thank you."

We know that there was overwhelming support in the community for FPAs, a tremendous turnout at the public hearing, and considerable precedent for the ordinance set by other cities. Happily, City Council listened to all of this, and so the public process went the way that it's supposed to. However, in passing the ordinance, City Council did have to stand up to the NIMBY folks, and established neighborhood groups who opposed the changes.

Let's take a moment to express our gratitude to the members of City Council who voted for the ordinance, and so eloquently shared their reasons for doing so during last night's Council meeting. Plus, it's important for us to remember that as news of the ordinance's passage spreads, Councilmembers may be receiving angry notes from sustainable food opponents. Let's give their in-boxes a little balance, shall we?


I'm going to provide a choice of 3 sample emails, depending on whether you already own FPAs, are planning on getting FPAs, or don't want FPAs but still support the ordinance. Of course, you can feel free to modify the sample emails in any way you'd like, or write your own from scratch.

Regardless of which sample email text you use, please copy and paste the following text (including commas) for the "To" field of your email:

paul.lopez@denvergov.org, charlie.brown@denvergov.org, chris.nevitt@denvergov.org, judy.montero@denvergov.org, jeanne.robb@denvergov.org, michael.hancock@denvergov.org, linkhartatlarge@denvergov.org, doug.linkhart@denvergov.org, sustainablefooddenver@gmail.com

Subject line: Thank you!

If you already own FPAs

Dear Mayor-Elect Hancock and Councilmembers Nevitt, Lopez, Brown, Montero, Robb, and Linkhart,

I am a resident of Denver, and I want to thank you for your support of the FPA ordinance. I believe that this ordinance will be a positive step for Denver (as similar ordinances have been for other cities) and will allow our residents better access to healthy, safe, affordable, and ethically-produced eggs and/or dairy.

As someone who currently owns FPAs in Denver, I can attest that it is absolutely possible to raise these animals in an urban setting without creating a problem. I pledge to continue being a responsible FPA owner, and to raise my animals within the reasonable guidelines set forth in the new ordinance.

(your name)

If you are planning on getting FPAs

Dear Mayor-Elect Hancock and Councilmembers Nevitt, Lopez, Brown, Montero, Robb, and Linkhart,

I am a resident of Denver, and I want to thank you for your support of the FPA ordinance. I believe that this ordinance will be a positive step for Denver (as similar ordinances have been for other cities) and will allow our residents better access to healthy, safe, affordable, and ethically-produced eggs and/or dairy.

My family has been interested in owning FPAs, but we were not able to do so legally because the former process was so cumbersome and expensive. We look forward to the healthy, sustainable food that our FPAs will provide. We understand that owning FPAs is a big responsibility and not to be taken lightly, and we pledge to follow the reasonable guidelines in the ordinance and raise the animals in a way that is considerate of those around us.

(your name)

If you are not planning on getting FPAs, but still support the ordinance

Dear Mayor-Elect Hancock and Councilmembers Nevitt, Lopez, Brown, Montero, Robb, and Linkhart,

I am a resident of Denver, and I want to thank you for your support of the FPA ordinance. I believe that this ordinance will be a positive step for Denver (as similar ordinances have been for other cities) and will allow our residents better access to healthy, safe, affordable, and ethically-produced eggs and/or dairy.

I personally have no plans to get backyard chickens or dwarf dairy goats. However, even though I won't be doing it myself, I support the ability of my neighbors to have a sustainable, healthy source of food. I believe that the ordinance is well written, and I trust that it will facilitate the keeping of FPAs while protecting neighbors from negative impacts.

(your name)


  1. Sundari, could you possibly be any MORE awesome? xoxo

  2. Congratulations to the City Council and to Sundari for doing something really decent in the life of Denver.
