Monday, August 2, 2010

Farmers' Market in late July

Our stand at the Highland Farmers' Market. Lots of great produce available when the market opens.

We have beautiful squash right now, along with the last of the spring kale.

Salad mix, garlic, rhubarb, and onions.

Our lovely White Wonder, Lemon, and Poona Kheera cucumbers.

Thanks to Denise for snapping the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I got one of the white wonder seedlings at your sale. Are yours very seedy? I keep picking them earlier and earlier (you can see a pic of them still yellowy on my blog), and they are so seedy. I thought we let the first ones go too long, but they weren't nearly as big as yours look. It's my first time for cukes, but I just don't know!
