Monday, August 2, 2010

Goat Hike (with a pack!)

A couple of weekends ago we took Dasha on a lovely hike up to Lake Jasper in the Indian Peaks wilderness. It was a 12 mile round trip, and she did great.

We also got her a little pack so she could help carry food for herself (plus our lunch, too!). We told her it was an official goat pack, but really it's a little doggy backpack from Petsmart.

I'm not great at sizing things, so during my first trip to Petsmart I got the "large" dog pack. I got it home and it was waaaay too big for Dasha. So, we had to return it and get a "medium" size instead. Fits her perfectly!

Eating lunch and enjoying the view at the top.


  1. That's great! I love that you guys treat her just like a dog.

  2. Well, a dog that gives milk and creates compost. ;)
