Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You're Invited: Denver Food-Producing Animals Forum!

Please join Grow Local Colorado, Slow Food Denver, Sustainable Food Denver, and CROP (Campus Raised Organic Produce - a UCD student group) for an educational forum regarding Food-Producing Animals (FPAs) in Denver.

When: Monday, March 7th, 6:00-7:30pm
Where: The Tivoli at Auraria Campus, Room 320s

There is great impetus now in Denver to change the permitting process for having FPAs. The city has heard that the current permitting process is unclear, lengthy and expensive and that there is concern about the requirement of neighborhood notification. There is a draft outline for a new FPA ordinance that was prepared as a collaborative effort with Denver Community Planning and Development (zoning), the Department of Environmental Health (animal control), Sustainable Food Denver and the City Attorney's office.

Come join us to hear about the current process, the proposed ordinance and have a chance to ask questions and comment about FPAs in the City of Denver.

To read a DRAFT outline of the proposed ordinance, please click here.

You can RSVP for the event by contacting Dana at pompomdana@comcast.net. However, feel free to come even if you haven't RSVP'd!

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