Monday, February 21, 2011

Sustainable Food Denver in the ATTRA Newsletter

I'm a big fan of ATTRA (the National Sustainable Sustainable Agriculture Information Service). If you haven't visited their website, I'd highly recommend that you check it out. It's chock-full of helpful, well-researched info about sustainable ag.

It was quite a nice surprise to see a mention of the Food-Producing Animals draft outline in the February 16th ATTRA Weekly Harvest newsletter. Here's what they reported:
Food-Producing Animal Ordinance Drafted for Denver
Sustainable Food Denver is circulating a draft outline for a new Food-Producing Animals ordinance for Denver, prepared as a collaborative effort with Community Planning and Development, the Department of Environmental Health, and the City Attorney's office. The draft outline proposes the keeping of 8 female fowl or 2 dwarf dairy goats without requiring a permit. The intent of the draft ordinance is to promote the keeping of Food Producing Animals and concurrent food access and food security benefits, where most appropriate, while assuring compatibility with existing land uses and minimization of any adverse impacts on neighboring properties or neighborhood character. As part of the process for creating this draft, the team compiled detailed information on successful FPA ordinances in other major cities across the country, as well as neighboring cities along the Front Range. The group also looked at an analysis of the impact of chicken ordinances on cities, as part of a study done through De Paul University.

Glad that word is spreading!

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